Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today was a wonderful day. I feel like I got so many things accomplished, and I feel that my words online have helped spread the Gospel message.

I wanted to share a part of my day that was very special. This afternoon I was thinking about the young woman that aborted her child. I was feeling so sorry for that child - he/she didn't have a chance at life. And, I asked God to give me a sign so that I know what I am doing is actually prevailing. I felt like I failed. So, I asked God to show me that I am serving the Truth - that I am making a difference.

I prayed this driving home and as I turned the corner I saw two beautiful doves fly side-by-side up into the air and off into the distance. Doves are symbols of the Holy Spirit, and just as important, this is the first time I've ever seen a dove in my neighbor. I even saw two of them. Right then I realized again how much God loves me, and I knew that I was indeed serving God even if some prayers are not answered the way I would have hoped. God is love.


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